Speakers 2024: from O to R
Click on the speaker’s name to read his/her biography
Mariela ORTIZ
Senior Researcher, CIIAE - Iberian Centre for Research in Energy Storage
Vice-President of Lithium Projects, IMERYS
Senior Battery Project Engineer, BatterieIngenieure
Lead Scientist, Global Technology Auto Project Leader, SABIC
Head of Electrical Energy Storage, CIIAE
Christian PERRIER
Project Director, EQUANS
Valérie PETAT
Batteries Project Manager, French Ministry of the Economy and Finance
Martin PETIT
Electrochemical engineer and coordinator of the MODALIS² H2020 project, IFP Energies Nouvelles
Christophe PILLOT
Director, Avicenne Energy
Sebastian POHLMANN
Chief Technology Officer, UP Catalyst
Head of EnvironmentTechnologies sector. Innovation Direction, BPI
Fabrice RENARD
Senior Advisor, Avicenne Energy
Chief of Staff & Head of Financing, Verkor
Process Engineer/Supply Chain Manager, Kilnteck GmbH
Project Manager, ECOSYSTEME D
Mariela ORTIZ
Senior Researcher, CIIAE - Iberian Centre for Research in Energy Storage
Title abstract: Real-life aging study of Li-ion batteries analyzed by non-destructive technique
Vice-President of Lithium Projects, IMERYS
A graduate of Mines Paris – PSL engineering school in 2006 and INSEAD in 2009, Alan began his career in management consulting at McKinsey & Company in Paris, with a specific focus on business strategy and project management for the industrial sector. In 2012, he joined Imerys as Strategy and Development Manager for the Refractory Minerals division, then in 2014 for the High Temperature Materials & Solutions Business Group. In 2016, Alan became Operations Director for andalusite in the Aluminates division before being appointed Purchasing Director for the Abrasives, Refractories and Construction Business Group in 2019. In early 2021, he was appointed Vice-President of Lithium Projects at Imerys. Title abstract: Delivering the ambitions of the CRM Act : challenges and opportunities for local and responsible lithium sourcing"
Senior Battery Project Engineer, BatterieIngenieure
Pablo Pastor-Flores received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, in 2018 and 2019 respectively, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in machine learning techniques applied to energy systems. His current research interests are focused on unsupervised learning, state of health (SOH) estimation and software development for energy management systems. Since September 2023 he has joint BatterieIngenieure as senior engineer in battery modeling and diagnostics. Title abstract: Enhancing Battery Modelling with Machine Learning for Aging and Performance Prediction
Lead Scientist, Global Technology Auto Project Leader, SABIC
Title abstract: Development and Validation of Plastic End Plates for EV Battery Packs
Head of Electrical Energy Storage, CIIAE
He is Dr. in Chemical Engineering since 2005. He has worked in other fields always related to chemical recycling of materials and products. He has lead projects for hydrometallurgical recovery of elements from alkaline and lithium batteries and the digitalization of New Circular Economy Business Models. Dr. Pérez has been part of the Steering Committees of European Battery Recycling Association (EBRA) and AEPIBAL (Spanish Association of Batteries and Electrical Storage Systems); and member of the Board of the Spanish Battery Technological Platform, BatteryPlat. Currently, he is Head of Energy Storage Area at Iberian Center for Research in Energy Storage for (CIIAE), in charge of new projects addressing new materials for batteries and other energy storage systems (Supercapacitors, Redox Flow Batteries...) together with developments in Circular Economy topics for both current commercial models (Alkaline, Lithium primary and ion,..) and for new incoming (Metal-air, Flow Batteries...). Title abstract: Biohydrometallurgy: a novel efficient process for recovering critical metals from lithium-ion batteries
Christian PERRIER
Project Director, EQUANS
Fellow chartered Engineer with +30 years of expertise in the overall industrial activities, Christian Perrier demonstrates solid cross-cultural skills. He has held various positions in the high-tech industries such as medical device, diagnostics and microelectronics. Initially within the Clean and Dry room activity as an end user, then maintenance and operations management. In 2014 Christian has switched to current position as solutions provider for end customers. Dedicated since all those years to developing turnkey solutions for the high-tech industries, Christian has shown good records in large scale projects across Europe and beyond. Christian has leveraged those skills to bring solid industrial and technical expertise in the successful development of Li-ion batteries Gigafactories since this business started moving back to Europe, 6 - 7 years ago. Christian has therefore become a leading expert in Li-ion batteries Gigafactories design, all trades. Title abstract: Preconceived ideas about dry rooms
Valérie PETAT
Batteries Project Manager, French Ministry of the Economy and Finance
Valérie Petat is Battery Project Manager at the Direction Générale des Entreprises, the department of the French Ministries of Economy and Finance responsible for designing and implementing industrial policy. She also coordinates the national battery strategy. Previously, she was a manager in EY's Sustainability department in Paris, where she led and participated in some twenty studies and strategic support missions for public and private players on markets and public policies relating to new energy technologies. She is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris, the London School of Economics and Université Paris-Dauphine.
Martin PETIT
Electrochemical engineer and coordinator of the MODALIS² H2020 project, IFP Energies Nouvelles
Martin Petit obtained his PhD in chemical engineering of INPL in 2011. He joined IFPEN battery modelling team as an electrochemical engineer in 2012 and has contributed to the development of electrical storage systems models for system simulation in automotive applications. He takes part in the development of modelling approaches from empirical to electrochemical models, accounting for the nominal behaviour of cells in experimental and realistic environments as well as their aging behaviour. Since 2012 he is involved also in the development of Li-ion batteries safety models at cell and pack levels. Between 2020 and 2023, Martin was the coordinator of MODALIS² H2020 project dedicated to the development of a modelling toolchain for Gen3b and Gen4 batteries behaviour. Title abstract: IFPEN's Battery Modelling Activities in EU-funded Projects to Accelerate the Development of the Battery Industry in Europe
Christophe PILLOT
Director, Avicenne Energy
Christophe has built up considerable expertise in the area of battery market. He joined AVICENNE 30 years ago and Spend 3 years in Japan making analysis on the Electronic, Mobile & Japanese battery market. Christophe gained large experience in marketing, strategy analysis, technology and financial studies for the battery and power management fields. He developed the Battery market analysis for AVICENNE which counts more than 400 customers worldwide. Christophe published several annual surveys like “The rechargeable battery market 2022-2030”. He is also the founder & chairman of Batteries congress in France since 1999. Batteries 2024 (26th Edition) will be held in Lyon, France, from October 15 to October 18, 2026. Christophe is now Director of AVICENNE ENERGY. Tutorial: The rechargeable Battery Market and Main Trends 2024 – 2035
Sebastian POHLMANN
Chief Technology Officer, UP Catalyst
Sebastian Pohlmann is CTO at UP Catalyst. Before joining UP Catalyst he has worked at Skeleton Technologies in multiple roles, leading both teams in cell & material development as well as business development functions. He has authored and co-authored >15 publications and patents in energy storage. Title abstract: Creating truly sustainable electrode materials: Graphite and MWCNTs made from CO2
Head of EnvironmentTechnologies sector. Innovation Direction, BPI
Head of Green Technologies department at bpifrance. Engineer with 20+ years experience in industry, mainly as R&D manager at automotive OEMs. With focus on powertrain development & light-commercial vehicles customer requirements.
Fabrice RENARD
Senior Advisor, Avicenne Energy
With more than 25 years of experience in business consultancy and management of chemical and advanced materials business in Belgium, Morocco and China, Fabrice gained strong experience on strategy, M&A, manufacturing, marketing, finance and innovation on high growth new technology business. Prior joining AVICENNE in 2019, Fabrice was Chief Innovation Officer of the Prayon group. Over 10 years, he was in charge of the global R&D and Innovation strategy based on sustainable major trends and declined on nutrition, water, precision farming, rare elements recovery and energy. One of his core focus was the development of cathode materials. In this field, he earned a strong expertise on the battery value chain and served as COO of Belife, a joint venture with Umicore and as a Director of Prayon Pulead Technology, a Chinese-based LFP manufacturer. He holds a Master in Chemical Engineering, a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration, an Executive Degree in Tax Law and an Executive Master in Management. Title abstract: The rechargeable Battery Market and Main Trends 2024 – 2035
Chief of Staff & Head of Financing, Verkor
Process Engineer/Supply Chain Manager, Kilnteck GmbH
Lukas Ridikas, initially born in France and now living in Austria, is a young fellow passionate about energy production and storage technologies and sustainable development. With an academic background in Materials Science and Energy Engineering from Birmingham and Karlsruhe, he has pursued his professional career, working as a laboratory assistant and engineer in different fields related to the energy industry. He now works for the company KILNTECK, located in Vienna, as its Supply Chain Manager. Title abstract: Heat treatment of Battery Active Materials
Project Manager, ECOSYSTEME D
Florine Ringot, is mechanical energy engineer. She works as project manager at ÉcosystèmeD, in the department “Economic Development and Promotion” especially on the battery sector and coordinates the industrial set up of new companies on the territory of Dunkirk. Title abstract: Dunkirk, the heart of french battery valley, is glad to organise a special edition of Batteries Event in 2025